Thursday, October 20, 2011

Dear Rosie.

...i guess your middle name was inspiring there! ;) so. here's the thing i've noticed lately. for one thing, it's been about a year since i started to get to know you more than just your name. it was at the halloween party last year when you dressed up all awesomely... like a dude. come to think of it, i was dressed like a dude too... fate grabbed us :P anyway, since then, i'm pretty sure i've shared just about everything to you... (except my old journals - but you get the gist of those ) basically, you're really cool. and i think you're one of my best friends. :) even though we never hang out. but that's okay, cause we make up for that any other time i see you. so yeah, like kelly clarkson would put it "my life. would suck. withooouuuttt yooouuuu" i just less than three you! <--for realsies. ~Hannah


  1. You are so amazing! Can we be buds until uhhhhh..... a very very very very very very very very very very long time has passed ?? :P
